Welcome 2024 Nascar Race Fans
Helen Ron's Mom wins the Atlanta race with a nice score of 137. Tom Gudger keeps the lead in the 2nd half standings. Congratulations to Tom and Helen. Bob Childs keeps the lead with the most Weekly Wins with 3 stand alone wins. The playoffs are underway. The race moves to Watkins Glen Sunday afternoon and airs on USA network. Good luck to all.
Be sure to make your picks before the green flag drops.
Please visit the "Make Picks" page and enter your race picks BEFORE the green flag drops each race. Your Weekly Points are the total points accumulated for your three drivers eachweek as designated by Nascar. Make sure your picks are for drivers that have selected the Sprint Cup Series as their points series. Drivers that haven't declared the Sprint Cup Series as their points series accumulate 0 points for Sprint Cup races. Also, make sure your picks are for valid race teams. The 04 car is not the same as the 4 car.
Please visit the Player's Info page and make sure your e-mail is correct. If not, contact Bill Warner at wwarner84@aol.com. Web site issues will be communicated through e-mail if necessary.
Re-clarification of Overall Wins criteria as stated on the Lagrunta Rules page, Rule #5: Most "individual"
weekly wins at end of season is worth 105 Lug Nuts.
*If two or more people are tied at
end of year in weekly wins then there will be a tie breaker system
used - contact Bill Warner wwarner84@aol.com for
more info.
Don't forget to check out the Overall Wins Page link the side or bottom of the page. |